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Currency Exchange

These rates below are the daily exchange rates for 11-Mar-25

Country Currency name Currency code Units Buying rate banknotes Buying rate Interbank rate Selling rate
Antillean Guilders ANG 100 54.94 54.94 55.87 56.49
Aruba Florin AWG 100 54.94 54.94 55.87 56.49
Canada Dollar CAD 1 0.68 0.68 0.64 0.7031
England Pound GBP 1 1.2615 1.2615 1.2905 1.3099
Europe EURO EUR 100 106.48 106.48 110.56

All rates for amounts up to USD 5000.-- per item
For further information regarding rates please contact your branch or our Treasury Department.

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