Mcbb 1649966651

Credit and Debit Card Dispute

Credit and Debit Card Dispute

Do you have a concern about a merchants transaction on your MCB Visa or Mastercard credit card or Bankomatiko+ debit card? Learn more how to dispute a charge in the FAQ below. Scroll down to go to the dispute form links.

Dispute FAQ

How do I stop or cancel a charge?
Can I dispute a pending charge?
How long will it take to resolve a dispute?
How long do I have to dispute a charge?
Do I have to pay the disputed amount while the credit card dispute is being investigated?
What do I do when i see an unauthorized charge?
How do I remove pending charges from my account?
Type of FraudLink to form
Fraud ChargesDispute
Non Fraud - Service or goods not receivedDispute
Non Fraud - Cancelled recurring transactionDispute
Non Fraud - Not what was described / Defective goodsDispute
Non Fraud - Charged amount different from the invoiced amountDispute
Non Fraud - Transaction paid by other meansDispute
Non Fraud - Duplicate chargeDispute
Non Fraud - Non processed creditDispute
Non Fraud - Returned goods / Cancelled serviceDispute
Non Fraud - ATM withdrawalDispute
Non Fraud - OtherDispute

*No code found.
Balance in NAƒ
Expiration date
The above balance is as of: N/a